Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Burning every bridge that I cross to find some beautiful place to get lost

i honestly can't believe that its only 2nd quarter. i don't know how i'm going to make it out of here. i just want to graduate already. i want to be able to be my own person with out the constraints and binds of someone else. and to be completely honest, i won't miss 95% of this town.

i have a heart of blue skies and open roads that's being constricted by the cage of a small town. someday, i'm going to move to a big city in europe and i'm going have a little apartment in the heart of the city. i'm going to write about everything i see and i'm going to take millions of photos. and i'm going to meet a man who will think that i am the one.
"what is your name?" he will say. and i will answer him with my new name. i will rid myself of the girl i used to be and the new me will be brash, beautiful and above all, fearless. "you speak the language beautifully." he will compliment me. i will tell him that i taught myself and that i have a knack for languages. we will fall in love and see the world together. and i will forget all about you and all the ways i loved you. i will forget the way you made me feel and the how you walked away.
one day i will be entirely happy. but for one second i will think of you again. and in that second all the pain, happiness, joy and fear you have shown me will all return and i will become the same little girl i was.

"I just hope one day you see me. And when you do, your heart stops"








rings rings rings. i love rings.






the PERFECT breakfast.

oh well. that's all for today.
i'm going to watch sons of anarchy and pretend that my life is more exciting than it really is.

1 comment:

  1. thank you a lot for being my reader!!(:
    oh,and i love the pictures in this post.
